Ridgeway offer a specialist hire service on Soda Blasters and Hot Aqua Blasters.
Soda Blaster:
The Soda Blaster provides a cost effective and safe solution for heavy duty industrial cleaning. It works by blasting bicarbonate particles against the surface to be cleaned using low compressed air. It can be used in the petroleum industry due to its non-flammable properties of sodium bicarbonate. It can break down hydrocarbons, which means it’s also suitable for cleaning engines. When using a Soda Blaster the surface tension of metal is not broken. This eliminates the problem of flash rusting.

The images below show before and after shots of our Soda Blaster being used to remove anti-fouling and sea growth from our customers boat.


Please click here for more information on a Soda Blaster.
Hot Aqua Blaster:
The Waterkracht Hot Aqua Blaster is a powerful cleaning system, which comes complete with a handy trailer.
The Hot Aqua Blaster has a range of temperature and pressure settings which offer a unique all-round power cleaning system. It’s designed to use considerably less water and operating pressure than conventional models. This makes the Hot Aqua Blaster an environmentally friendly choice for exterior cleaning and disinfecting.
The Hot Aqua Blaster employs a unique patented BHWT (Boiling Hot Water Technique) by means of an Eco Boiler, which is made of stainless steel inside and out and is contained in the trailer.

For more information on the Hot Aqua Blaster please click here.
If you would like to contact a member of our hire team, please call either Belfast +44 (0) 2890 454599 or Ashbourne +353 (01) 802 7173 or click the button below to send your enquiry via email.